Course Overview
This hands-on course is designed to give the users an overview of Ansys SeaScape platform and Totem-SC capabilities.
The topics covered are as follows:
- Overview of Ansys SeaScape platform
- Totem-SC overview, analysis capabilities and GUI
- Static Power integrity flows, setup, reviewing results and debug
- Dynamic Power integrity flow, setup, review results and debug
- Vectored Signal EM flow, setup, review results and debug
The lab component for the course includes videos that demonstrate how to use Totem-SC for reviewing results and debugging.
- Familiarity with Unix environment and working with text files and Unix directories.
- Basic understanding of hard IP design and content of collaterals like schematic netlist, dspf netlist, layout files in gds, oasis format.
- Basic knowledge of running spice simulation on hard IP designs and visualizing transient current and voltage waveforms generated from spice simulation setup.
- Basic knowledge of voltage drop in supply rails and its impact on device/design performance.
- Basic knowledge of electromigration guidelines prescribed by foundries.
Teaching Method
Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge. A major emphasis is placed on teaching along with workshop.