In this course, you will learn to perform side-channel leakage analysis flow for assessing data integrity of IC design using the RedHawk-SC Security. Including:
- An introduction to side-channel leakage analysis (SCLA).
- Ansys security verification flow.
- A comprehensive hands-on lab session for layout and power SCLA flow.
You will learn a complete security verification methodology with important security metrics and assessment results to qualify your IC design from hardware security analysis and data integrity signoff perspectives. The course will address several hardware security analytics topics including correlation power analysis (CPA), power deliver network (PDN), electromagnetic side-channel analysis (EMSCA), T-score, simulation measurement-to-disclosure (SMTD) for key disclosure and custom leakage model (CLM). You will experience the usage of Security Insight as an ease-of-use GUI to interpret side-channel analysis result to root-cause the leakage source.
- Basic understanding of IC power analysis, and IR drop analysis principles;
- Conceptual knowledge of hardware security, cryptographic algorithm and side-channel analysis;
- Experience with Python language and UNIX text editor.