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EM: Eddy Current Applications

Course Overview

The EM module in LS-DYNA introduces electrical current into solid conductors and computes the associated magnetic field, electric field, and induced currents. The EM solver is coupled with the structural mechanics solver (the Lorentz forces are added to the mechanics equations of motion) and the structural thermal solver (the ohmic heating is added to the thermal solver as an extra source of heat). The electromagnetic fields are solved using a finite element method for the conductors and a boundary element method for the surrounding air/insulators, making an air mesh unnecessary.

In this class, you will get an overview of the Eddy current solver capabilities. You will get familiar with the concepts associated to FEM/BEM methods, how they translate into advantages for engineering applications and how to optimize the analysis and look for clues when problems occur.


  • You should be fa­mil­iar with LS-DY­NA

Teaching Method

Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge.

Learning Outcome

Following the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Introduction to Eddy current physics
  • Understanding of  FEM/BEM methods
  • Understanding of Magnetic Metal forming simulation process
  • Introduction to example input decks and keywords
  • Advanced applications introduction : inductive heating, railguns & coil guns
  • Introduction to advanced optimization techniques for the EM analysis

 Available Dates

Currently, no training dates available

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with an Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a 1-day classroom course covering both lectures and workshops. For virtual training, this course is covered over 2 x 1.5-hour sessions.

Virtual Classroom Session 1

  • Module 1: Tutorial for Electromagnetic metal forming applications.

Virtual Classroom Session 2

  • Module 2: Tutorial for Railgun and Coil gun Simulations
  • Module 3: Tutorial for Inductive heating Simulations
    • Elec­tro­mag­net­ic met­al form­ing ap­pli­ca­tions
    • Key­word in­tro­duc­tion
    • Ed­dy cur­rents, mesh size, & timestep con­sid­er­a­tions
    • EM in­ter­ac­tion be­tween con­duc­tors: the BEM sys­tem
    • Cou­pling with the struc­tur­al and ther­mal solvers
    • How to op­ti­mize the analy­sis and take "short­cuts"
    • The ax­isym­met­ric solver
    • EM con­tact and ero­sion
    • The rail­gun ex­am­ple
    • How to turn parts of the EM con­duc­tors on/­off and han­dle ero­sion
    • In­duc­tive heat­ing. Prob­lem set up.
    • Mag­net­ic ma­te­ri­als