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Airbag Modeling in

Course Overview

This class will introduce airbag modeling using LS-DYNA and some of the latest modeling methods. We will discuss mesh generation, fabric modeling, control volumes, particle bags, and post-processing. This class includes exercises to familiarize you with the techniques.


  • Advanced knowledge of LS-DYNA is required.
  • Knowledge of gas dynamics and behavior is an added advantage.

Teaching Method

In-depth lectures and explaining workshop examples.

Learning Outcome

  • How do I create an airbag model in LS-DYNA?
  • What are the basics inputs needed for?
    • Mesh
    • Inflation
    • Vent
    • Firing time and control
  • What are the different approaches for modelling Airbags?
  • What are some of the finer details on modeling bags?
    • Material behavior
    • Gas behavior
    • Contacts
    • Folding
  • What do I need to improve in simulation to match test behavior?

Available Dates

Currently, no training dates available

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with an Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a 2-day classroom course covering both lectures and workshops. For virtual training, this course is covered over 4 x 2-hour sessions lectures only.

Structural nonlinear simulations refers to that category of analysis in which the relationship between excitation force and displacement is nonlinear.

Structural nonlinearities can be broadly categorized into three types: Nonlinear contact, nonlinear materials, and nonlinear geometry (large deflection).

Virtual Classroom Session 1

  • Module 01 – Introduction
  • Module 02 - Generate FE Mesh
  • Module 03 – Create Simple bag model
  • Module 04 – Flat or physical Bag shapes

Virtual Classroom Session 2

  • Module 05 - Airbag material behavior
  • Module 06 - Airbag inflator
  • Module 07 – Contact
  • Module 08 - Prestress relax
  • Module 09 - Chambers

Virtual Classroom Session 3

  • Module 10 - Particle bags
  • Module 11 - Features of Particle bags
  • Module 12 - MPP handling of bags
  • Module 13 – Inflation time
  • Module 14 - Bag shape control

Virtual Classroom Session 4

  • Module 15 - Control cards governing Bags
  • Module 16 - Sensors to trigger bag
  • Module 17 - Shape changes
  • Module 18 - Set up and results

Day 1

  • In­tro­duc­tion
  • Mesh gen­er­a­tion
  • Con­trol vol­umes
  • Fab­ric mod­el­ing
  • Airbag con­tacts
  • Mul­ti-cham­bers
  • Vent­ing
  • Par­ti­cle bags in­tro­duc­tion

Day 2

  • Tank tests and gas mod­el­ing gas be­hav­ior
  • Airbag be­hav­ior con­trol
  • Teth­ers
  • Mor­ph­ing
  • Units used
  • New CPM de­vel­op­ments and us­age
  • Pros and cons of us­ing CPM

Examples & Exercises

  • Mesh gen­er­a­tion
  • Airbag hy­brid
  • Jet­ting and mul­ti-cham­bers
  • Par­ti­cle bag
  • Vent­ing
  • Ref­er­ence geom­e­try
  • Mor­ph­ing bags
  • Teth­er
  • De­formable to rigid