Course Overview
Ansys SCADE Solutions for ARINC 661 Compliant Systems is a tool suite for creating and simulating the logics and the graphics/interaction aspects of ARINC 661 compliant Cockpit Display Systems (CDS) and User Applications (UA), together with the associated code and Definition File (DF) generators.
This course is an introduction to the building of ARINC 661 user applications with Ansys SCADE UA Page Creator and Ansys SCADE Suite. You will learn to create complete User Applications compliant with the ARINC 661 standard, to separate UA graphics, UA logic modeler, and UA communication. The course also offers specific focuses on ARINC 661 standard, on UA Definition File (DF), on Definition Files generation, and on UA Communication Code with the UA logic created with Ansys SCADE Suite UA Adaptor.
Core Topics
- Presentation of the ARINC 661 Standard and the SCADE Solution implementation
- How to create a user application with SCADE UA Page Creator
- How to generate Definition files
- How to generate UA communication code
- Basic knowledge of Ansys SCADE Suite and SCADE Display is a plus
Teaching Method:
Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge.