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Ansys EMC/EMI: Electromagnetic Pulse on Cable (Self-paced Learning Available)

Course Overview

The Ansys EMI/EMC Electromagnetic Pulse on Cable course explores the topic of induced voltages and currents from an electromagnetic pulse using Ansys HFSS. This course is designed for intermediate-advanced users and includes one workshop that demonstrate the EM pulse on cable workflow from start to finish.


  • Prior knowledge of Ansys HFSS design, solution types, boundary conditions, excitations, analysis setup and relevant parameters including transient data quantities are required.

Teaching Method

Hands-on simulation workshop to develop productive skill in EM Pulse transient analysis using HFSS. The simulation workshop is self-explanatory and easy to follow for independent learners.  

Learning Outcome

Following completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Import an electromagnetic pulse waveform and apply it for transient incident wave source.
  • Calculate induced voltages and currents on RLC terminals.

 Available Dates

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with an Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. 

Self-paced Learning 

Complete a class on your own schedule at your own pace. Scope is equivalent to Instructor led classes. Includes video lecture, workshops and input files. All our Self-Paced video courses are only available with an Ansys Learning Hub subscription.


This is a 2-hour self-paced course covering one workshop:

  • Workshop 1: Electromagnetic Pulse on Cable