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Exploring Sensor Labs in Ansys AVxcelerate Sensors (Self-paced Learning Available)


Course Overview

In this course, you will dive into the comprehensive sensor labs package available in Ansys AVxcelerate. You will learn how to use the Sensor Modeler to create and manage various sensor types and the Sensor Layout to assemble and configure sensors on a vehicle. Additionally, antenna and radar mode configurations will be covered, and the process of importing antenna Far Field Data (FFD) files. By the end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of how to utilize the sensor labs package to tailor sensor configurations to your specific needs. 


  • There is no prerequisite for this course.

Teaching Method

Lectures and computer practical sessions to validate acquired knowledge.

Learning Outcome

Following the completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Create and manage different types of sensors using the Sensor Modeler. 
  • Assemble and configure sensors on a vehicle using the Sensor Layout. 
  • Configure antenna parameters and radar waveforms. 
  • Customize antenna selection and manage multiple modes in Ansys AVxcelerate. 

 Available Dates

Learning Options

Training materials for this course are available with a Ansys Learning Hub Subscription. If there is no active public schedule available, private training can be arranged. Please contact us.


This is a self-paced training course only, covering self-paced videos and lecture slides.

  • Module 1: Ansys AVx Radar Model
  • Module 2: Antenna Parameters Overview
  • Module 3: Mode Parameters Overview
  • Module 4: Sensor Layout Configuration