Getting Started with Ansys Granta EduPack
The Getting Started exercises provide an overview of the key tools and features in Ansys Granta EduPack, and form a set of tutorials to help you familiarize yourself with the software. You can choose whether to work through them in order, or complete only the exercises relevant to you.
There are also Getting Started video tutorials for Granta EduPack. These can be used independently of the exercises, or alongside them, to test and check your knowledge.
This set of exercises covers the main tools and features available in Granta EduPack 2024R1 and Granta EduPack 2024R1 Introductory or later. Earlier versions may give different results, or not include all features.
Learning Outcomes
- Perform the basic functions of Ansys Granta EduPack, such as Browse, Search, and Creating Property Charts
- Have an awareness of the introductory and advanced tools of Ansys Granta EduPack, such as Eco Audit and Synthesizer
Potential Courses
Any course using Ansys Granta EduPack