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Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
Ansys is committed to setting today's students up for success, by providing free simulation engineering software to students.
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July 7, 2017
In 2013, I wrote a blog showing Ansys users how to make MATLAB apps for Ansys Fluent. Just as a quick reminder, a friend of mine, who is also an Ansys Fluent and Mechanical APDL user has a Windows Matlab code programming a Linux Fluent session. She had just updated her hardware. Everything is moved to Linux. She also needed to integrate a Mechanical APDL session.
She was asking me: “Why, can't I port my MATLAB® code running on the platform of my choice and be able to also connect to Mechanical APDL?" She challenged me to to create a less than 20 lines code example. Back in 2013, my example was for Ansys 16.0. Here is my update for Ansys 17.0.
%initialize aaS orb=initialize_orb(); load_ansys_aas(); %connect to ANSYS products
iCoFluentUnit=actfluentserver(orb,'aaS_FluentId.txt'); iCoMapdlUnit=actmapdlserver(orb,'aaS_MapdlId.txt');
actwbserver('aaS_WbId.txt') %execute a Fluent TUI command iFluentTuiInterpreter=iCoFluentUnit.getSchemeControllerInstance();
fluentResult=iFluentTuiInterpreter.doMenuCommandToString('report summary') %execute a Mechanical APDL command
mapdlResult=char(iCoMapdlUnit.executeCommandToString('aas_param=22')) %retrieve the content of the remote Workbench Schematic execwbcommand('systems=GetAllSystems()') querywbvariable('systems')
Well, all in all I used only 19 lines of code. My friend added her own code to create her elegant and efficient so-simulation.
Thank you for reading.
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