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Ansys RaptorQu
양자 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 위한 고용량 전자기 시뮬레이션

Ansys RaptorQu는 양자 프로세서의 초전도 실리콘 설계에서 대량 인덕턴스 추출 요구 사항을 해결합니다. 수 mK로 냉각되는 초전도 실리콘의 고용량 고속 전자기 솔버입니다.


Modelling Electromagnetic Coupling in Quantum Processing Units

Ansys RaptorQu is a unique electromagnetic solver for superconductive silicon designs that enables the design of tens to hundreds of physical superconducting qubits.

  • Models vast amount of small partial inductances
    Models vast amount of small partial inductances
  • Models layouts from um up to mm scale
    Models layouts from um up to mm scale
  • Delivers superb accuracy
    Delivers superb accuracy
  • Models electromagnetic coupling
    Models electromagnetic coupling
16 Qubit RaptorQu

간단 사양

Ansys RaptorQu는 0K에 가깝게 작동하는 초전도체를 위한 고용량 전자기 석을 제공합니다. 기존 반도체 설계 흐름 및 파운드리 프로세스와 높은 수준으로 통합되며 수백 개의 물리적 초전도 큐비트 설계를 지원합니다.

  • Highest Accuracy
  • Unprecedented Capacity
  • Includes Substrate Coupling
  • Optimized for Superconductive Silicon
  • User-friendly Workflow
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With quantum computing promising to outperform today’s supercomputers, Ansys RaptorQu provides the competitive edge for the next wave of innovations in biotechnology, defense, materials science, medicine, physics, and other areas.

Inductance is vital to quantum computing design – extremely high accuracy is required starting from tiny areas (um) of a layout up to mm scale. Ansys RaptorQu models electromagnetic coupling/crosstalk, one of the prevailing decoherence mechanisms, and must be modeled accurately. It also delivers the capacity that is required to analyze extensive designs. Superconducting qubits have made the most progress in developing the first quantum computer to run commercial applications. Ansys RaptorQu is key in solving the constantly increasing complexity of current and future problems.

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* = 필수 항목

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