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Ansys General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions 

The Ansys General Terms and Conditions (AGTC) are the legal terms governing all of Ansys’ offerings, like licenses, TECS, services and SaaS. Below you can find the most recent version and (if applicable) prior versions of the AGTC. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution. Additional Terms apply to each offering as per the Order Form.

(current version August 2023) 

Additional Terms

The Additional Terms are legal terms governing a specific offering as stated on the Order Form. Below you can find the most recent versions and (if applicable) prior versions of each of the Additional Terms. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution. Ansys Product Codes may contain more detailed provision for individual offerings as per the Order Form.

Archived Versions

Ansys Product Codes

The Ansys Product Codes (APC) specify the legal terms governing individual offerings as per the Order Form. Ansys Product Codes consist of a three letter designator stated on the Order Form. The table below lists the Ansys Product Codes. Below you can find the most recent versions and (if applicable) prior versions of the Ansys Product Codes. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution.

(current version June 18 2024)

Archived Versions

Cloud Services Descriptions (CSD)

Cloud Services Descriptions describe the cloud services provided by Ansys. They are usually included by reference in an Ansys Product Code. Below you can find the most recent versions and (if applicable) prior versions of each of the Cloud Services Descriptions. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution.

Data Processing Agreements (DPA)

Certain Ansys offerings involve the processing of personal data. In order to safeguard the processing of this personal data, the below Data Processing Agreements are included by reference in an Ansys Product Code or a Cloud Services Description. Below you can find the most recent versions and (if applicable) prior versions of each of the Data Processing Agreements. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution.

To view the Data Processing Addendum, click on the below 



Miscellaneous Agreements

Certain Ansys offerings may require more specific agreements. Such agreements are included by reference in an Ansys Product Code, a Cloud Services Description, the Order Form or in a separate agreement between Ansys and Customer. Below you can find the most recent versions and (if applicable) prior versions of each of these agreements. The applicable version is the one in effect as of the time of contract execution.

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* = 필수 항목

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