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Engineering Simulation Workloads and the Rise of the Cloud

Cloud service providers (CSPs) continue to improve the performance capabilities of their non-accelerated and accelerated compute instances, as well as augment their HPC infrastructure with domain-area expertise of targeted HPC workloads. Additionally, engineers, researchers, and scientists are becoming more comfortable with the types of workloads that can be run in the cloud within acceptable workload completion time constraints. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) are also taking note and responding with a variety of cloud support models for their application codes. This is especially evident with CAE and EDA engineering simulation software.

This white paper shares the results and insights of a recent study that explored the increasing adoption of cloud-based HPC resources for engineering simulation software workloads and how Ansys is addressing the rise of the cloud for CAE and EDA applications.


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* = 필수 항목

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