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How Generative AI Impacts Product Design – A C-Suite Perspective

In the enterprise, many C-Suite executives are looking to see how they can leverage these potentially game-changing capabilities for their respective organizations. Product design is one of the emerging use cases. Although generative product design has been around for many years, most organizations sit on dormant product information assets that can improve design significantly – and there is an opportunity to use the emerging innovations linked to generative AI to create a gold mine of dynamic and accessible data to drive the next phase of product innovation.

For all C-Suite executives looking to leverage generative AI to accelerate their organization’s digital transformation journeys, don’t miss this opportunity to leverage the untapped potential for product design.

Hosted by Ansys in Association with IDC

  • Philip Carter, Group Vice President at IDC Worldwide Research
  • Christophe J. Bianchi, Chief Technologist – Office of the CTO Ansys


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