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Ansys Solution Overview for Electro-Optic Infrared Systems

Sensors are one of the critical technical pillars of the current defense program. With detection techniques varying widely, from Radar, InfraRed Search, and Tracking, to LiDARs, a different physical approach is required for optronics.

In parallel to the constant evolution of these technologies, virtual prototyping and multiphysics simulations open the design scope and decrease the number of iterations between teams, earlier in the development cycle, improving the system performance.

Join us to learn how the complete Ansys Optronic solution consolidates all these system aspects virtually: electronic, optical, and mechanical, from design and validation to system integration.

What you will learn 

  • E2E workflow on EOIR from the component design to final integration at mission level
  • Photonic & Optical Components design
  • IR camera reduce order model for integration and scenario validation


  • Fabien Bastide, Manager Application Engineering


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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