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Accelerating Next-Generation Aircraft System Design

From aerodynamics and propulsion to structural integrity and electromagnetics, simulation has played a critical role in the design and development of all modern military aircraft.

As new programs emerge, simulation will be even more critical as next-generation aircraft requirements demand a step change in system complexity. Simulation will not only accelerate innovation, design and development; it will dramatically reduce risk and cost at every stage in the program life cycle, from analysis of alternatives to  operation and sustainment, by facilitating collaboration across the program ecosystem. Research has shown that by adopting simulation best practices to drive digital transformation, companies can reduce development time by 14%, achieve a 33% greater reduction in engineering change orders and be 79% more confident of achieving operational performance requirements.

In this webinar series Ansys will present simulation solutions and best practices that apply to some of the most challenging engineering aspects of next-generation aircraft design.

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Webinar on Demand
Ansys Webinar Series
Additive Manufacturing for Advanced Aerospace Applications

Understand how simulation solutions for additive manufacturing can be used across the value chain of virtual additive certification and qualification, supported by example case studies.

Webinar on Demand
Ansys Webinar Series
Hardware Security & Thermal Reliability for Mission-Critical Electronic Design

During our discussion on security we will present techniques for reducing vulnerability to side-channel attacks based on power-noise and electromagnetic radiation at the chip and board levels with proof points that spotlight potential vulnerabilities and solutions.

Webinar on Demand
Ansys Webinar Series
Improving PCB Performance & Reliability

This webinar demonstrates how to reduce failures and improve performance and product life by leveraging a coupled simulation workflow that integrates the analysis of electrical, thermal and mechanical reliability. 

Webinar on Demand
Ansys Webinar Series
Modeling & Simulation for Installed Performance of Antennas

This insightful webinar presents a cutting-edge workflow for synthesizing optimizing and analyzing the installed performance of high-performance antennas and arrays. This will help characterize antenna systems in isolation and within intended installed environments.

Webinar on Demand
Ansys Webinar Series
Digital Mission Engineering at Thales Alenia Space

Digital Mission Engineering (DME) enables the rapid performance analysis of engineered systems in their virtual mission environment using a physics-based systems-of-systems simulation able to encompass all domains. Engineers, scientists and mission analysts involved in the development of mission-critical technologies for commercial, military and space applications should attend to learn how a DME approach can accelerate development, dramatically reduce cost and eliminate risk from the mission. Thales Alenia Space will share real-world examples of DME for space exploration and maritime surveillance applications.

당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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