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Ansys 2021 R2: Ansys Sherlock and Electronics Reliability Update

This webinar spotlights major updates to Ansys Electronics Reliability solutions in 2021 R2. Ansys Electronics Reliability solutions feature comprehensive workflows involving Ansys Sherlock, Ansys Mechanical, Ansys Icepak, Ansys LS-DYNA and more. We will cover product integrations, relevant updates for each tool that will enable faster and more efficient simulations and updates to key workflows that help users address important electronics reliability challenges.

What you will learn  

  • Explore Sherlock updates, including Ansys Workbench integration expansion, harmonic vibration and thermal-mech enhancements and the first official release of the Sherlock Theory Guides.
  • Learn about Ansys LS-DYNA integrations with Sherlock that will enable rapid model creation for drop-test analysis.
  • Understand Mechanical updates, including expanded reinforcement element and trace mapping capabilities.
  • Get insights on key Ansys AEDT and Icepak updates.

Who should attend

Mechanical, electrical, thermal, mechanical & design engineers. Current and new Ansys customers.


당신을 위한 Ansys 솔루션을 알아보십시오.


* = 필수 항목

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