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Ansys 積層製造解決方案
3D 金屬列印模擬軟體






July 2024

What's New

We're excited to announce the integration of Ansys's advanced simulation technology into Materialise Magics, a strategic partnership poised to transform metal additive manufacturing. This partnership enhances product quality, reduces costs, and drives innovation. 

Key Benefits

  • Mitigate Risks
    • Predicts and addresses part deformation and thermal stress early, ensuring consistent quality and reducing costly rework.
  • Enhance Efficiency
    • Seamless integration within Magics software streamlines workflows, accelerates learning, and reduces time-to-market.
  • Reduce Costs
    • Optimizes part orientations and support structures, minimizing post-processing and material wastage, leading to significant cost savings and improved ROI.
  • Drive Innovation
    • Provides unprecedented accuracy and reliability, enabling confident design validation and faster product innovation.
  • Boost Performance
    • Up to 15% faster mechanical simulations
    • Up to 95% faster thermal simulations
  • Optimize Workflow:
    • Fosters collaboration between design and production teams, maximizing efficiency from design to production.
2024 R2 Additive magics integration



Ansys Additive 解決方案是一種全面且可擴充的軟體解決方案,可將風險降到最低,同時確保高品質、可認證的零件。

  • AM (DfAM) 的設計
  • 建置設定
  • 程序模擬
  • 材料分析
  • 資料收集和管理
  • 零件品管
  • STL 檔案修復及幾何操作
  • 零件嵌套及產生支撐
  • 定向指引與精靈
  • 金屬 AM 程序模擬
  • 變形補償
  • 建置故障預測
  • AM 資料的可追蹤度和完全控制
  • 整合、控制和共用整個組織的 AM 資料
  • 設計驗證
  • 結構及散熱分析
  • 文件控制與認證


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積層模擬 101 - 回顧基礎

想像 3D 列印零件,並聽聽操作人員或工程師的驚呼聲。  首先,您想到的是什麼?...我們要花多少錢?  無論您是用塑膠、樹脂或金屬生產零件,成本都會有所波動,尤其是使用金屬積層列印時。  

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