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Catia Crespo


Ansys Blog Authors

Cátia Crespo

Product Manager, Refeyn

Cátia is a product manager and Certified Scrum Product Owner. During her time as a Product Manager at Ansys, she developed product roadmaps, did market research and sales and technical training for the products Ansys Granta MI Pro and Ansys Granta MI Restricted Substances. She has expertise in regulatory compliance, circular economy, and sustainability. Currently, Cátia is a Product Manager at Refeyn.


  • Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry from the University of Lisbon
  • Master of Science Degree in Biochemistry from Instituto de Medicina Molecular
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Biology Degree from Technische Universität Dresden

Professional Credentials: 

  • Certified Scrum Product Owner from Scrum Alliance
  • Animal Experimentation FELASA B from the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations
  • Product Management from Tarigo Product Management
  • The Circular Economy Masterclass from the University of Exeter

Time at Ansys: April 2019 - June 2021

Articles by This Author

Scientist with a beaker writing on a note pad

Access 70 Million+ Safety Data Sheets via Granta MI

This integrated solution provides access to product composition information that is essential for compliance with global regulations and chemicals risk management in manufacturing enterprises.  

Group of scientists working

MDR and Materials: How Medical Device Manufacturers Can Meet New Regulation Challenges

Medical device manufacturers are turning to materials information technology to face some of the most disruptive regulations in recent memory.

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