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Ansys Blog Authors

Kaitlin Tyler

Education Content Developer

Kaitlin creates resources to support educators who teach materials engineering and materials science using Ansys Granta EduPack. 


  • Doctorate degree in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
  • Bachelor's degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Michigan State University

Professional Credentials: Kaitlin is a member of The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (TMS), Tau Beta Pi and the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

Joined Ansys: January 2019

Articles by This Author

How Computational Materials Science Can Support Remote Learning

How Computational Materials Science Can Support Remote Learning | Ansys

Learn how virtual computational materials science experiments could provide visualization and support for students who no longer have physical lab classes.

How the Art in STEAM Can Inspire

How the Art in STEAM Can Inspire | Ansys

Learn about the important role that art and materials play in STEM.

How to Encourage Multidisciplinary Design with Examples in the Classroom

How to Encourage Multidisciplinary Design with Examples in the Classroom | Ansys

Many engineering programs are starting to teach multidisciplinary design at an introductory level through the use of product design examples.

Explore the Important Challenges of Medical Device Design

Explore the Important Challenges of Medical Device Design

Learn how biomaterial databases impact medical device design and educate the next generation to handle design challenges.

Never Underestimate the Remarkable Benefits of Corrugated Iron

Never Underestimate the Remarkable Benefits of Corrugated Iron

Corrugated iron is strong, light, affordable, biodegradable and bioavailable, making it an excellent choice for engineers looking for eco-friendly structural components.

Understanding Machine Learning for Materials Science Technology

Understanding Machine Learning for Materials Science Technology

Engineers can use machine learning for artificial intelligence to optimize material properties at the atomic level.

 Selecting the Right Materials for Aerospace Additive Manufacturing

Selecting the Right Materials for Aerospace Additive Manufacturing

Comparing processing techniques plays into the materials selection for aerospace additive manufacturing applications.

Material Selection and Simulation Are Powerful in the STEM Classroom

Material Selection and Simulation Are Powerful in the STEM Classroom

STEM students can use simulation and CES EduPack to understand the importance of shape and material selection for structural

 How to Teach Eco-Friendly Construction Materials Selection

How to Teach Eco-Friendly Construction Materials Selection

Architecture students need to have knowledge of structural and eco-friendly building materials so they can make correct design choices and communicate with engineers.

What is Social‒Life-Cycle Assessment?

What is Social‒Life-Cycle Assessment?

The importance of LCA social-LCA and how it affects design.



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