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Fail-Safe Hybrid Electric Propulsion System Design for Aircraft

The aerospace industry is on the edge of a new era. The industry is exploring new fully-electric and hybrid-electric propulsion systems to comply with the latest environmental regulations and reduce fuel burn.

However, electrification at this scale brings new technological challenges and trade-offs. The viable powerplant will trade-off the range, battery capacity, motor power density, and thermal management.

The complexity of these propulsion architectures requires a holistic, multi-disciplinary development approach. We'll explore how interoperable Ansys tools can work together to consider the optimized architecture,  undertake a safety analysis, use multi-physics simulation and embedded software design to validate, and then automate safe controls. This toolchain will be needed to efficiently design a product that will meet performance goals and provide supporting evidence for certification and product and passenger safety.

There are many concerns related to the safety of batteries, specifically on how to keep them cool and prevent onboard fire. The webinar covers a regional transport aircraft's system-level functional safety analysis and hybrid-electric power architecture. It showcases how having an alternate source of power provides a backup method for a safe emergency landing in the event of batteries failure.

What you will learn 

  • Learn market trends and the latest technological advances in electric and hybrid electric aircrafts
  • Develop system architecture using model-based system engineering approach compliant to SysML modeling language, using Ansys SCADE Architect
  • Perform integrated and consistent safety analysis based on reference architecture models, compliant with aviation safety standard ARP4754A, using Ansys medini analyze
  • Develop model-based software specification models and automatically generate code that complies with safety certification standard DO-178C, using Ansys SCADE Suite
  • Verify and validate hybrid-electric propulsion requirements using Ansys Twin Builder, integrating embedded software in the loop through the standard interface (FMU)


  • Mazen El Hout - Product Manager
  • Mike Slack  - Technical Account Manager
  • Nils Heuermann - Senior Application Engineer
  • Sunil Patil - Industry Lead - Propulsion and Turbomachinery




* = 必須項目


