JamieLynne Shepherd
Ansys Government Initiatives, SkillBridge, military, Federal Aerospace & Defense

Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
Pour les États-Unis et le Canada
+1 844.462.6797
Ansys Government Initiatives, SkillBridge, military, Federal Aerospace & Defense
I am a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy. Since my officer commissioning, I’ve held various positions across the Department of Defense (DoD) and U.S. National agencies, including active-duty service in the United States Air Force and United States Space Force. As a weapons officer, I served as a military strategist specializing in space orbital warfare. I continue to serve as a Major in the United States Air Force Reserves.
After serving in the military, I decided to trade my uniform for a suit. I’d always aspired to take on a corporate role, but I wanted to find the right company that had the same passion for space operations and technology as I did. I met the Ansys Government Initiatives (AGI) team and knew it’s where I wanted to be! I applied to DoD SkillBridge — a program which offers active-duty military members the opportunity to intern with a company of their choosing prior to separation. I was accepted and began my internship with Ansys in December 2022, and was hired full-time in March 2023. I couldn’t be more thrilled!
If I had to describe my role at Ansys to a child, I’d say my job is to make friends, learn about my friend’s goals and any problems they’re having, then help them solve their problems. In Federal Aerospace & Defense (FA&D), we help those who help keep our country safe.
As part of FA&D business development, my primary focus is to bridge the gap between professional military forces and the commercial industry to enable successful strategic partnerships, lead generation, program capture efforts, and influence the digital transformation of the aerospace and defense industry. We educate and shape the marketplace, posturing our sales teams for opportunities on the horizon.
I was drawn to the diversity of Ansys’ portfolio and influence. From automotive to aerospace and defense to healthcare, Ansys is driving innovation. We’re an organization with a mission I’m proud to be a part of.
The people and atmosphere are what keep me here. I love working with talented, motivated, like-minded individuals. Our leaders are humble, credible, approachable, and encourage a collaborative environment. I truly feel heard and appreciated. My favorite attribute is the team’s “work hard, play hard” mentality — their enthusiasm is infectious!
The FA&D team brings Ansys’ cutting-edge simulation technology to the national defense sector. Through digital transformation, we partner to arm our nation’s warfighters with the most capable systems on land, sea, air, and on-orbit.
Ansys invests in the “whole person” concept and creates avenues for growth professionally and personally. It’s a truly special feat.
My favorite Ansys value is to “Be Courageous.” By making decisions with courage, compassion, and resilience, you’re driving innovation forward. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back.
Whether it’s formally through an employee resource group (ERG), or informally grabbing a meal with colleagues, there are a ton of ways to connect at Ansys. One of my favorite weekly events is the Ansys Government Initiatives “Storytime” update. Every Friday, we all come together (remotely too) to share a meal and discuss what’s happening within the team. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet your teammates and get involved outside of just meetings.
I participate in our Women in Technology (WIT) and Veterans at Ansys ERGs. Employee resource groups are a great way to connect internally and empower one another. Mentors from the Veterans ERG were pivotal in my military transition; the Ansys military family continues to serve, even after you’ve hung up the uniform. WIT is blazing the trail for women in STEM! It’s an incredible group of women and allies that empower growth in the community. We’re movers and shakers!
Find a mentor! There are formal and informal opportunities throughout the Ansys organization. I’ve never asked for mentorship and been told ‘no.’ Just ask! Mentors come in many ways, shapes, and forms … but they’re here for you and will help you pave the road to success in your Ansys journey!
My husband and I have two fur-babies: Seg (3, Boxer-Hound mix) and Rue (9, Beagle-Boston mix).
In college, I competed in the heptathlon. I attribute my speed to chasing the ice cream truck as a child. Today, you’ll rarely see me sprint … unless I’m running from a bear…
I go by my callsign, “Royal.” I was named while attending the USAF Weapons School—it's the Air Force’s equivalent of Top Gun (yes, like the movies). As a young officer, I was intimidated being surrounded by the best of the best pilots and operators in the Air Force. An instructor reminded me that I earned my place amidst these ranks and said, “When you walk in a room, own it. Be poised and confident ... think Royal,” and the name stuck.
Jamie was a U.S. Air Force officer before joining the U.S. Space Force in 2020.
Jamie and her husband, Mitch, at the Ansys Government Initiatives (AGI) Holiday party.
Jamie and her horse, Brodie.
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