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Model Bulk Phase Change Processes Using Ansys Fluent

The phase change processes of evaporation and condensation are encountered in many industrial applications. These processes can be complex, considering the time scales associated with mass transfer rates and very high liquid-to-vapor property ratios. Phase change simulations with Ansys Fluent can be used to expedite the comparison of product designs or improve process parameters.

In this session, we discuss phase change models available in Ansys Fluent along with a demonstration of the case setup for modeling evaporation inside serpentine tubes. This kind of physics finds applications in process industries (e.g., heat exchangers), home appliances (e.g., air-conditioners, refrigerators), power applications (e.g., desuperheaters and flash chambers) and automotive cooling systems. The demonstration case also covers tips and tricks to improve convergence in such applications.

What attendees will learn:

  • Some of the phase change modeling capabilities in Ansys Fluent
  • Using thermal phase change model to set up bulk evaporation and condensation processes
  • Tips and tricks to improve solver stability and convergence for phase change applications


Vishesh Aggarwal, Senior Technical Support Engineer


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