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The Built Environment Database in Ansys Granta EduPack

The goal of this lecture unit is to showcase the features in the Level 2 Built Environment database in Ansys Granta EduPack and how this can be used in teaching topics related to materials in the built environment. Special detail of the material and records in the database are included, as well as descritions of the four semi-autonomous systems of a building: superstructure, enclosure, interiors, and building services. Engaging images of buildings can also be found to aid in teaching.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding of the materials used in the built environment
  • Ability to select materials to meet design criteria in built environment structures and interiors
  • Insight into the diverse use and importance of materials in architecture and the built environment

Applicable Courses for Use

  • Materials in architecture
  • Intro to building materials
  • Courses on materials and the built environment
Lecture Unit: Architecture and the built environment

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