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Ansys 2021 R1 Update: What's New in VRXPERIENCE Sound

This webinar spotlights the latest release of Ansys VRXPERIENCE Sound in Ansys 2021 R1, an enhanced acoustic experience focused on sound design for electric vehicles (EVs) with ASDforEV. We will also provide a detailed look at how 2021 R1 unites VRXPERIENCE Sound with Ansys Fluent to take aeroacoustic simulations to the next level.

  • Understand how ASDforEV helps you perform active sound design for EVs.
  • Learn how you can listen to your fluids simulations by connecting VRXPERIENCE Sound to Fluent.
  • Discover how you can leverage Ansys VRXPERIENCE Sound Composer to combine sound recording measurements and acoustic simulation results.

New features include:

  • Active Sound Design for Electric Vehicles with ASDforEV
  • Capacity to listen to your fluids simulations thanks to the connection with Ansys Fluent simulations
  • Ability to combine sound recording measurements and acoustic simulation results, thanks to Sound Composer



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