Case Study
Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
Ansys s'engage à préparer les étudiants d'aujourd'hui à la réussite, en leur fournissant gratuitement un logiciel de simulation.
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Case Study
“Product development can be significantly accelerated through the early use of simulation. In particular, the combination of Ansys Discovery's fast GPU solver with systematic parameter studies allows us to make well-founded decisions on our cooling design. The approach we have developed in cooperation with CADFEM allows us to better understand the possible variants and we can justify our configuration to the customer much more easily.”
— Kai Schneider, Development Engineer / Wittenstein cyber motor
The combination of an extremely fast graphics processing unit (GPU) solver, powerful geometry modeling capabilities, and systematic parametric design studies accelerates development of cooling designs for electric motors. With support of Ansys’ channel partner CADFEM, Wittenstein leveraged Ansys Discovery, Ansys optiSLang, and Ansys Fluent to develop cooling systems more efficiently.
General requirements for the development of electric machines pose a major challenge for designing cooling concepts. High performance and a wide temperature range combined with the need for small installation space make highly integrated cooling designs indispensable. Simulation helps ensure heat dissipation and thermal integrity during development. However, a conjugate heat transfer simulation with conventional tools is computationally time consuming. Because of the time required, this simulation type is rarely used for optimization, in which hundreds of variants are calculated. With hard-to-achieve requirements, it is therefore impossible to ensure that a good design can be found in sufficient time.
Initial design versus the final, optimal design (© Wittenstein; CADFEM Germany)
Temperature flow plots of the initial design (left) to the final design (right) © Wittenstein; CADFEM Germany
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