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Bull is an Information Technology company, dedicated to helping Corporations and Public Sector organizations optimize the architecture, operations and the financial return of their Information Systems and their mission-critical related businesses. Bull focuses on open and secure systems, and as such is the only European-based company offering expertise in all the key elements of the IT value chain.

The only truly European IT company capable of designing, integrating and implementing supercomputers, Bull has made Extreme Computing one of its key strategic priorities. In less than 5 years, Bull has won over 150 customers in 15 countries across 3 continents. Many prestigious companies and research centers have chosen Bull Extreme Computing solutions, most notably in France, Germany, UK, Spain and Brazil.

Bull Extreme Computing solutions are based on bullx, a range of innovative systems designed for uncompromised performance, which has gained worldwide recognition. The bullx blade system has been named as "Best HPC server product or technology" by the editorial team at HPCwire, and the readers of HPCwire have also ranked it as one of the "Top 5 new products or technologies to watch."

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