In the shipbuilding industry, ship accidents continue to occur regardless of prevention efforts. Certain extreme or accidental situations such as collisions and grounding need to be considered at the design stage. The rigid body dynamic program MCOL was developed in LS-DYNA and is used in simulation of ship collisions analysis.
This webinar spotlights LS-DYNA/MCOL-Aqwa coupling analysis. Hydrodynamic parameters such as the rigid body added mass matrix, hydrostatic restoring matrix, buoyancy parameters, and wave damping matrices for the body were previously provided by third-party software, but are now available in an MCOL input file such as an .mco file. We explore the development and implementation of this new and exciting workflow in which the Aqwa solver can automatically create the MCOL required hydrodynamic database, i.e. the .mco file.
What attendees will learn
- How ship collision and grounding situations can be simulated
- Ansys LS-DYNA/MCOL approach to accident avoidance
- Introduction to the technology of Ansys Aqwa
Who should attend
Structural Engineers and Directors