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Solving Design Challenges with Ansys Discovery & Mechanical Webinar Series

In this series of webinars, we will introduce you to the many facets and features of Ansys Discovery — the first and only interactive, real-time simulation solution on the market. Join us to explore how Discovery can be used for generative design and topology, for applications  such as modal and structural challenges and for upfront rapid design exploration that  minimizes the number of physical prototypes and saves time and money.

Who should attend?

  • Engineering teams who lack simulation expertise, or who are outsourcing simulation to obtain quick   design iterations.
  • Mechanical engineers or product development managers  seeking fast iterations  to provide analysts with afocused range of designs for further analysis.
  • Analysts or simulation experts working with Ansys Flagship technology seeking quick ‘first pass’ results for rapid upfront simulation that achieves better insights--before committing to resource-consuming higher-fidelity simulations.

On Demand Webinars

Webinar on demand
Structural topology optimization
Structural Topology Optimization: What If Your Design Could Be Better

You will learn:

  • How Ansys Discovery provides rapid design exploration through structural optimization and delivers detailed insight into product performance.
  • How topology optimization capabilities account for manufacturing constraints and can apply to multiple load cases and physics, including modal and structural simulations.
  • How to expand a project to Ansys Mechanical for more advanced simulations and final validation.



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