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Using Digital Transformation to Streamline Medical Device Development

The product development challenges for healthcare technology companies are stark: evolving regulations, rigorous approval processes, and evolving requirements based on externalities like a pandemic or supply chain shocks.
To tackle these challenges, companies are increasingly turning to methods like simulation, digital thread, and digitalization of data—core components of a digital transformation. Ansys has a vision for how our technologies can enable digital transformation for the healthcare industry. In this webinar, we explore that vision and the enabling software to support streamlining medical device development.
We will identify three challenges across the medical device development process and work through the use cases to solve these—these range from materials data management, compliance, and the V&V40 regulatory process.
Capturing and digitizing product development and the workflows required to bring them to market can tangibly de-risk current and future regulatory compliance while accelerating market time. 

What you will learn

  • Use digital engineering in the field of healthcare
  • Vision for digital transformation in healthcare


Ben Conlon, Marc Horner


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