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Ask the Expert - System Level Simulation Using Ansys Icepak and Simplorer

While Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has been used very successfully for large thermal simulations, system level CFD models are typically too time consuming for repeated transient thermal analysis. System level thermal network models can be applied to such big and complex thermal systems to generate accurate and faster responses: It has been observed that many of the thermal systems are Linear and Time Invariant (LTI), so Model Order Reduction (MOR) can be applied to such systems. In this methodology, transfer functions are created between the set of outputs and inputs. For the thermal problem at hand, the inputs can be power (or heat source), and the outputs are typically the temperature at user-specified locations.

The goals of this webinar are:

  • Understand the concepts of Linear and Time Invariant systems, Space State Model & Model Order Reduction with respect to thermal systems.
  • Learn to set up the Icepak Simplorer Coupling workflow through an example.
  • Understand the importance of such Electro thermal simulation in overall thermal system design.


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