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Ansys Innovation Conference, Germany

October 16-17, 2024 I Stuttgart 

Now including the LS-DYNA Forum and Digital Safety Conference


Become part of a European network of engineers developing innovative approaches and solutions shaping the future.


The Ansys Innovation Conference, Germany brings together the renowned LS-DYNA forum and Digital Safety Conference into a larger cross- functional event. It is free to attend offers leading keynotes, customer-led technical sessions on the first conference day and technical hands-on workshops on Digital Safety, and Embedded Software on the following workshop day. 


Conference Day I October 16, 2024 | 08:00-17:00 CEST

Day one will feature top-class keynote talks from distinguished experts, technical presentations on the latest topics such as virtual testing, failure modelling, optimization, simulation data management, and HPC. 

Location: FILDERHALLE · Bahnhofstraße 61 · 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen 

We kindly ask you to indicate your primary interest when registering.


Workshop Day I October 17, 2024 | 08:30-17:30 CEST

Day two at our local Ansys/DYNAmore office in Stuttgart we will feature technical hands-on workshops focusing on MBSE workflow, digital safety and security, and embedded software. Limited registration is available.

Location: Ansys office · Industriestraße 2 · 70565 Stuttgart

There’s a limited number of seats available to the workshops. First come, first serve policy.

Why attend?

We are offering technical sessions presented by leading engineers and Ansys application experts. Don´t miss this opportunity to meet and network with peers and partners and share best practices.


Discover the 2024 Innovation Conference, Germany

Conference  Agenda I Day 1 I October 16, 2024

Location: Filderhalle · Bahnhofstraße 61 · 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Registration opens at 07:45am

TIMEKeynote Sessions I “Großer Saal” (Plenary) 
08:30 - 08:45Ansys Welcome Address
08:45 - 09:15Recent Developments in LS-DYNA I T. Erhart, Ansys
09:15 - 09:45Virtual Testing I F. Bauer, BMW
09:45 - 10:00Morning Break & Exhibition Open
10:00 - 10:20Leveraging AI/ML for Engineering Simulation I I. Tolchinsky, Ansys
10:20 - 10:40Simulate, Innovate, Accelerate: Digital Engineering Unleashed I W. Marsden, Ansys
10:40 - 11:15Break & Exhibition Open
 LS-DYNA Break-outDigital Safety Break-out
 Future Virtual Testing
Kleiner Saal
Optimization & AI
Studio VI  
Simulation & Material Data Management
Studio V
Aerospace & Defense 
Studio IV 
AI + Cloud 
Studio II 
Digital Safety Conference
Studio  I
11:15 - 11:35Wide range of applications for virtual human body models (HBMs) to optimize occupant safety 
M. Rees, BMW
LS-OPT and MFGenYld+CrachFEM as Integrative CAE Standard for Seat Track Profiles
S. Sinne, Brose 
Simulation-Ready Materials Data in Granta MI.
H. Tankasala, Ansys
Drone and bird strike on a polycarbonate helicopter windshield
L. Bühler, DLR
Applications and Demonstration of SimAI, ML platform for simulation
M. El Hout, Ansys
Presentation TBC
P. Vonhoff, Bosch
11:35 - 11:55Sensitivity of hardware testing variability on injury outcomes of THOR-50M in frontal impact
D. Furukawa, Toyota  
AI-Based Parameterization of Full Vehicle Models for Crash Simulations
I. Lepenies, SCALE 
Materials Selection & Sustainability for Automotive
M. Seiler & T. Kahl, Ansys
A Numerical Investigation of the Ballistic Performance of the Ceramic Composite Armor against Roadside Fragmentation Charges
K. Kaya, Nurol Technology 
Introduction to TwinAI, AI-driven digital twin
M. Aghsae, Ansys
Component Fault Tree Analysis
M. Kuban, Onsemi
11:55 - 12:15Application and Evaluation of IGA Technology in the Context of Crash Simulations
V. Iacob, Mercedes-Benz 
Application of machine learning techniques to automatically compare sets of crash simulation results
S. Müller, Sidact
Driving Innovation in the Automotive Industry with Simulation Process & Data Management (SPDM)
T. Kahl, Ansys
Modeling of Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) under Kinetic Energy Impact: FEM, SPH, and S-ALE Approaches in LS-DYNA
M. Emin Akca, Roketsan 
Deploying on AWS and Azure with Ansys’ Bring-Your-Own-Cloud solutions
Dr. J. Baker, Ansys
Presentation TBC
Dipl.-Ing. G. Walkner, Liebherr
12:15 - 12:35 Facilitating Virtual Testing at an Industrial Level by Simulation Data Management
Prof. A. Haufe, Ansys
 LS-OPT Pro: Status and Outlook
K. Liebold, Ansys
Increasing efficiency in product development using Ansys Minerva
C. Woll, GNS Systems
Improving the Ballistic Performance of an Armored Military Vehicle
S. Yilmaz, Anadolu Isuzu
On-demand simulation with Ansys Software-as-a-Service
Dr. J. Baker, Ansys
BMS design process at VW 
D. Kirschner, Volkswagen
12:35 - 13:45Lunch & Exhibition Open
 Failure Modeling 
Kleiner Saal 
Material Modeling 
Studio VI
Simulation Misc. I
Studio V
Simulation Misc. II
Studio IV
Studio II
Digital Safety Conference
Studio I
13:45 - 14:05Utilizing a validated laminated glass model to simulate pedestrian head impact on a windshield
G. Newlands, Arup 
A performance comparison between a recycled PC-ABS and a virgin grade in an impact load case on an instrument panel bezel
F. Schüssler, LG Chem 
Virtual Testing Protocols and LS-DYNA – Pre and Post Processing Solutions in the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment
Speaker tbc, Arup 
More than 40% cost reduction through drop test simulation with Ansys LS-DYNA
M. Maurer, CADFEM
Introduction to Design Optimization  & Process Integration
Dr. D. Schneider, Ansys
Placeholder TBC 
14:05 - 14:25An overview of particle methods in LS-DYNA using *MAT_024 and GISSMO
S. Mohseni-Mofidi, Ansys
A comparative analysis of the improved stress prediction of higher-order 3D-shell finite elements for laminated structures
M. Schilling, University of Stuttgart)
Ensuring conformity and high level productivity between ANSA and LS-DYNA during model and load case development
T. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems 
A. Gromer, Ansys 
Optimizing Sustainable Product Designs with Material Intelligence
B. Duerbeck, Ansys
Placeholder TBC 
14:25 - 14:45New LS-DYNA Keyword *LOAD_EXTERNAL_VARIABLE and its application to case-hardening
T. Klöppel, Ansys 
Full-field calibration from DIC: a way to analyze fibre orientation deviations in composites?
C. Witzgall, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Overview of LS-TaSC and New Feature Highlights
K. Liebold, Ansys Company 
High-fidelity modelling of composite specimens manufactured with the automated fibre placement technique
M. Vinot, DLR
Placeholder industrial use case 1Model-Based Solution for Embedded Controls of the Future
C. Schrader,  Ansys
14:45 - 15:05A new basic incremental failure model in LS-DYNA
F. Andrade, Ansys  
Investigating Modeling Techniques and Simulation Parameters for Microscale Lithium-14 Battery Cell Simulation in LS-DYNA
R. Heiniger, Ansys 
Next-Gen Predictive Automotive Crashworthiness Optimization: A Holistic Approach
T. Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems
A force based failure criteria for *CONSTRAINED_
M. Hübner, Ansys 
Placeholder industrial use case 2Integrating Safety in an MBSE Workflow
B. Kaiser, Ansys
15:05 - 15:45Afternoon break
 Keynote Sessions II “Großer Saal” (Plenary) 
15:45 - 16:15Ansys Journey Towards Digital Engineering I O. Kath, Ansys
16:15 - 16:45Recent Developments in LS-DYNA II I Prof. A. Haufe , Ansys
16:45- 17:00Farewell  & Conference Close
17:00End of Conference 

Discover the 2024 Ansys Digital Safety Workshop Program

Workshop Agenda I Day 2 I October 17, 2024

Location: Ansys office  · Industriestraße 2 · 70565 Stuttgart

Join us for an in-person hands-on workshop as we aim to explore solutions for digital transformation initiatives.

Digital Safety Workshop - Stuttgart
09:00-09:15Welcome/Opening Welcome the participants
Introduce the Ansys team
Set the goals of the workshop
Introduce the agenda 
09:15-10:30Safety Collaboration PlatformThe collaboration team server and collaborative workflows using 2024 R2
Outlook on roadmap
10:30-11:00BreakNetwork with Colleagues.  Coffee/Tea
11:00-12:30DSM and Safety CasesThe new DSM: use cases incl. safety case and SOTIF
DSM future plans
12:30-13:30Lunch & Closing 
13:30-14:30Digital Engineering at AnsysAnsys MBSE and System Architecture Modeler (SysML v2)
State of the Art and Outlook on roadmap
14:30-15:30AI for safety and cybersecurity analysisAI@Ansys / AnsysGPT / Use cases for AI in safety products
15:30-16:00BreakNetwork with Colleagues.  Coffee/Tea
16:00 - 17:00Safety of AIWhat is required on the safety analysis side if software contains AI?
New trends in analysis methods related to the usage of AI
Building up the safety case 
17:00-17:20Wrap Up & Closing 
Embedded Software Workshop - Stuttgart
Welcome coffee
Welcome the participants
Introduce the Ansys team, participants
Identification of topics
Introduce the agenda 
09:30-12:30Main themes of the Ansys roadmap for embedded softwareMBSE, test case generation, model/code coverage assistance, collaborative work, CI/CD pipelines, certified embedded AI, new application domains, etc.
Ansys presentations + demos on Ansys innovations and roadmap
Interactive discussions, confrontation with participants’ challenges and expectations
13:30-16:00Hands-on workshop: “Get to discover Scade One!”Ansys MBSE and System Architecture Modeler (SysML v2)
State of the Art and Outlook on roadmap
16:30-17:00Wrap Up & Closing 

Event Venues

Conference Day 1  I  October 16 


Filderhalle Leinfelden-Echterdingen
Bahnhofstraße 61
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

How to get there:

By car: The A8 and the B27 cross at the legendary “Echterdiner Ei” (enter navigation system: Bahnhofstrabe 61, 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen or POI FILDERHAL LE).

By public transport: The S2, S3, and U5, as well as several bus lines, stop regularly at Leinfelden train station.

By train: From ICE HbF Stuttgart with S2 and S3 in 21 minutes to FILDERHALLE



Workshop Day 2  I  October 17 


Ansys office
Industriestraße 2
70565 Stuttgart

How to get there:

By car: From Stuttgart Airport, 15-20 minute drive. Continue to Flughafenstraße, Take B27 to Nord-Süd-Straße in Möhringen, Stuttgart. Take the exit toward Vaihingen-Möhringen from B27. Continue on Nord-Süd-Straße to your destination in Vaihingen.

By train: From ICE HbF Stuttgart with U12 in 22 minutes to station and short walk to Ansys office.




Require hotel accommodation? There are many hotels within the area. We’ve secured a reduced rate for delegates at the Parkhotel Stuttgart, from 144.00 EUR per night. To secure the discounted delegate rate, please email and state ‘AnsysInnovationConference’ when booking.