TIME | Keynote Sessions I “Großer Saal” (Plenary) |
08:30 - 08:45 | Ansys Welcome Note |
08:45 - 09:15 | Recent Developments in LS-DYNA I T. Erhart, Ansys |
09:15 - 09:45 | Virtual Testing I F. Bauer, BMW |
09:45 - 10:00 | Morning Break & Exhibition Open |
10:00 - 10:20 | Leveraging AI for Engineering Simulation I I. Tolchinsky, Ansys |
10:20 - 10:40 | Simulate, Innovate, Accelerate: Digital Engineering Unleashed I W. Marsden, Ansys |
10:40 - 11:15 | Break & Exhibition Open |
| LS-DYNA Break-out | Digital Safety Break-out |
| Future Virtual Testing
Kleiner Saal | Optimization & AI
Studio VI | Simulation & Material Data Management
Studio V | Aerospace & Defense
Studio IV | AI + Cloud
Studio II | Digital Safety Conference
Studio I |
11:15 - 11:35 | Wide range of applications for virtual human body models (HBMs) to optimize occupant safety
M. Rees, BMW | LS-OPT and MFGenYld+CrachFEM as Integrative CAE Standard for Seat Track Profiles
S. Sinne, Brose | Simulation-Ready Materials Data in Granta MI.
H. Tankasala, Ansys | Drone and bird strike on a polycarbonate helicopter windshield
L. Bühler, DLR
| Applications and Demonstration of SimAI, ML platform for simulation
M. El Hout, Ansys
| Holistic Safety approach @ Bosch
P. Vonhoffn, Bosch
11:35 - 11:55 | Sensitivity of hardware testing variability on injury outcomes of THOR-50M in frontal impact
D. Furukawa, Toyota | AI-Based Parameterization of Full Vehicle Models for Crash Simulations
I. Lepenies, SCALE | Materials Selection & Sustainability for Automotive
M. Seiler & T. Kahl, Ansys | A Numerical Investigation of the Ballistic Performance of the Ceramic Composite Armor against Roadside Fragmentation Charges
K. Kaya, Nurol Technology | Introduction to TwinAI, AI-driven digital twin
M. Aghsaee, Ansys
| Component Fault Tree Analysis
Marian Kuban, Onsemi
11:55 - 12:15 | Application and Evaluation of IGA Technology in the Context of Crash Simulations
V. Iacob, Mercedes-Benz | Application of machine learning techniques to automatically compare sets of crash simulation results
S. Müller, Sidact | Driving Innovation in the Automotive Industry with Simulation Process & Data Management (SPDM)
T. Kahl, Ansys | Modeling of Explosive Reactive Armor (ERA) under Kinetic Energy Impact: FEM, SPH, and S-ALE Approaches in LS-DYNA
M. Emin Akca, Roketsan | Deploying on AWS and Azure with Ansys’ Bring-Your-Own-Cloud solutions
Dr. J. Baker, Ansys
| SCADE Usage for Wind Turbine
Claudia Abreu, Safety Software Engineer, Vestas
12:15 - 12:35 | Facilitating Virtual Testing at an Industrial Level by Simulation Data Management
Prof. A. Haufe, Ansys | LS-OPT Pro: Status and Outlook
K. Liebold, Ansys | Increasing efficiency in product development using Ansys Minerva
C. Woll, GNS Systems | Improving the Ballistic Performance of an Armored Military Vehicle
S. Yilmaz, Anadolu Isuzu | On-demand simulation with Ansys Software-as-a-Service
Dr. J. Baker, Ansys
| Safety by design and safety by virtual validation for an ALKS system
Bernhard Kaiser, Ansys
12:35 - 13:45 | Lunch & Exhibition Open + DSC Demo @studio 1 |
| Failure Modeling
Kleiner Saal | Material Modeling
Studio VI | Simulation Misc. I
Studio V | Simulation Misc. II
Studio IV | Optimization
Studio II | Digital Safety Conference
Studio I |
13:45 - 14:05 | Utilizing a validated laminated glass model to simulate pedestrian head impact on a windshield
G. Newlands, Arup | A performance comparison between a recycled PC-ABS and a virgin grade in an impact load case on an instrument panel bezel
F. Schüssler, LG Chem | Virtual Testing Protocols and LS-DYNA – Pre and Post Processing Solutions in the Oasys LS-DYNA Environment
Speaker tbc, Arup | More than 40% cost reduction through drop test simulation with Ansys LS-DYNA
M. Maurer, CADFEM | Introduction to Design Optimization & Process Integration
Dr. D. Schneider, Ansys | Ansys SCADE academic program as an ecosystem for safety-critical system development
J. Czarnigowski, Lublin University of Technology
14:05 - 14:25 | An overview of particle methods in LS-DYNA using *MAT_024 and GISSMO
S. Mohseni-Mofidi, Ansys | A comparative analysis of the improved stress prediction of higher-order 3D-shell finite elements for laminated structures
M. Schilling, University of Stuttgart) | Ensuring conformity and high level productivity between ANSA and LS-DYNA during model and load case development
T. Lioras, BETA CAE Systems | Hans - Human Body Model: EnHansments
A. Gromer, DYNAmore, an Ansys Company | Optimizing Sustainable Product Designs with Material Intelligence
B. Duerbeck, Ansys | Model-Based Solution for Embedded Controls of the Future
C. Schrader, Ansys
14:25 - 14:45 | New LS-DYNA Keyword *LOAD_EXTERNAL_VARIABLE and its application to case-hardening
T. Klöppel, Ansys | Full-field calibration from DIC: a way to analyze fibre orientation deviations in composites?
C. Witzgall, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Integrated Electrical-Thermal-Structural Analysis in High-Frequency AC Systems Using LS-DYNA
M. Sreejith, Mercedes-Benz | High-fidelity modelling of composite specimens manufactured with the automated fibre placement technique
M. Vinot, DLR | Next-Gen Predictive Automotive Crashworthiness Optimization: A Holistic Approach
T. Tryfonidis, BETA CAE Systems
An Enhanced Modular Approach to Reusable and Quantitative Hazard Analysis
J. Birch, Principal Consultant, UL Solutions
14:45 - 15:05 | A new basic incremental failure model in LS-DYNA
F. Andrade, Ansys | Investigating Modeling Techniques and Simulation Parameters for Microscale Lithium-14 Battery Cell Simulation in LS-DYNA
R. Heiniger, Ansys | A Pragmatic Approach to Modeling Friction-Stir Welded Joints in Forming Applications
C. Karadogan, Ansys | A force based failure criteria for *CONSTRAINED_
M. Hübner, Ansys | Overview of LS-TaSC and New Feature Highlights
K. Liebold, DYNAmore an Ansys Company
Autonomy Use Case for Safety Analysis of Complex Models
Z. MOLNAR, Hexagon
15:05 - 15:45 | Afternoon break |
| Keynote Sessions II “Großer Saal” (Plenary) |
15:45 - 16:15 | Ansys Journey Towards Digital Engineering I O. Kath, Ansys |
16:15 - 16:45 | Recent Developments in LS-DYNA II I Prof. A. Haufe , Ansys |
16:45- 17:00 | Farewell & Conference Close |
17:00 | End of Conference |