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White Paper

Improving Autonomous Vehicle Radar Performance with Simulation

As the world draws near to the reality of fully autonomous automobiles and transport vehicles, there is a great deal of focus on the development of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and rapid automated decision-making. These solutions are aimed at duplicating — and improving upon — a human’s ability to perceive the world around them and at efficiently and safely guiding a vehicle through a journey. A critical aspect of autonomous vehicle control is the continued evolution of vehicle sensors — the eyes and ears of the control system that perceive the operational characteristics of the vehicle and the environment around us.

While the AI and decision-making systems must plan the vehicle trajectory and response to the environment, the sensors must feed the control systems executing those algorithms with accurate data on the current and developing state of the vehicle’s surroundings. The development of accurate algorithms depends in part upon the availability of accurate sensor data.



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* = 필수 항목

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